Friday, June 26, 2009

Theo Speaks Spanish

Theo is a modest person. He doesn't always like to draw attention to himself. So it was a surprise to most of the parents--and a couple of administrators, too--that Theo actually has learned a lot of Spanish this year. On the next -to-last day of school he gave a presentation for his "Clase Abierta" for parents. The assignment was to integrate themes or bodies of knowledge he had learned throughout the year by using these themes to analyze and present a particular topic.

Theo chose to present on the jaguar. I took a video of the presentation. The light is bad, and I was sitting too close to show his PowerPoint slides (I wanted to be sure to get the audio). So here is Theo speaking Spanish after a year of immersion at Colegio Argentino.

(Obviously I'm a proud father).

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